Best Medicine Blog

A comfortable place to fill up on all things yoga. The cup of yoga appears to be not quite daily anymore, but there’s more than enough to keep my interest, and a large archive. The guest bloggers are good. There seems to be nothing but guest bloggers lately, however, which is possibly a sign that this popular blog is winding down.

Definitely the highest density of interesting, original posts with lots of engagement in the comment threads as well. Mr. J. Brown is doing it right. This well-designed blog is easy on the eyes too. He has to be forgiven for posting only once a month recently. I’m sure he has a day job.

More of a catch-all health and alt-living magazine than a yoga blog. We’ll just focus on the category, “yoga,” which is one subsection of the body in MindBodyGreen. Immediate points lost for the annoying newsletter pop-up. Why are pop ups back? We hated them the first time. Once you get past that you’ll be treated to a long list of low-cal content, but the thing is, there’s a ton of it. At least one new post per day. So if you’re addicted to yoga, and need a very regular fix, there may be something here for you.

Our very own Rachel Scott maintains a blog that’s noteworthy for its openness, humour and lively style. The blog is a window into Rachel’s soul as she explores life through yoga. It’s a different approach to yoga blogging and it works. But don’t take my not-so-objective word for it. Check it out for yourself.

A few years ago The New York Times described Yogadork as “a kind of for yogis, the blog tiptoes the line where yoga intersects with pop culture.” Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Not sure. But, hey, maybe hearing what Ellen Degeneres has to say about yoga pants will brighten your day, and if so, then mission accomplished.