Blog on Infections


Last year’s considerable respiratory virus season saw spread of COVID-19, flu, and RSV, which led to extra stress on an already overwhelmed healthcare system. When respiratory viruses are spreading in the community, the risk for spread in healthcare settings increases as well. Remember: Regardless of your healthcare setting or which respiratory viruses are spreading in your community, these existing infection control measures can prevent and slow the spread to help protect patients and healthcare workers. 


Source control is an important tool to keep germs from spreading. It stops germs at their source, before they can spread to other people. Well-fitting facemasks or respirators covering a person’s mouth and nose can prevent spread of respiratory secretions when people are breathing, talking, sneezing, or coughing. CDC recommends that source control be used by people with symptoms of a respiratory infection and those who were recently exposed to someone with a respiratory infection. The overall benefit of broader masking is likely to be the greatest for patients at higher risk for severe outcomes from respiratory virus infection and during periods of high respiratory virus transmission in the community.

Facilities could consider expanding mask use to these situations; operationalizing broader masks use in a facility could include recommending healthcare workers use masks for certain types of patients or during the typical respiratory virus season. 


Vaccination of healthcare workers is an important infection control measure that can reduce the spread of respiratory viruses and staff absenteeism. Recommended vaccines are safe and effective and protect not only healthcare workers, but also the patients and residents in their care.  

Remind everyone to clean their hands regularly with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water. Make sure there is consistent access to hand sanitizer dispensers and supplies for handwashing across the facility. Use CDC’s Clean Hands Count resources to share key messages and reminders within your facility. 

Comments listed below are posted by individuals not associated with CDC, unless otherwise stated. These comments do not represent the official views of CDC, and CDC does not guarantee that any information posted by individuals on this site is correct, and disclaims any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on any such information.

During 50 years of work as an TN and IP, retired now, I surveyed isolation/protective equipment practices in CA hospitals. Info. On request. There were at least 100 different signs explaining precautions. During COVID, I consulted and provided standardization. Handwritten signs are still used. Please look at that signage issue at HICPAC as well.